IDAHOBIT Community Grants 2018 Application

Thursday 17 May is International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. The international theme for IDAHOBIT 2018 is Alliances for Solidarity. Put simply, it is an acknowledgment that we need to work together to make LGBT rights and the rights of others a reality. Straight, bi, trans, lesbian, gender diverse, gay - we are stronger together!

2017 was a big year with the passing of Marriage Equality - a battle we won together. There have been many other shared achievements along the way, whether big or small, that we can acknowledge and celebrate on 17 May. This year an IDAHOBIT campaign has been developed as a tool that can be used by everyone to increase awareness of the Day and the issue.

The campaign incorporates a Facebook virtual event that we want as many people as possible attending, a Facebook Profile Picture overlay to raise awareness, our campaign hashtag #LGBTally where we want everyone sharing their stories of solidarity to our Facebook event, and a promotional video / social media tiles to help promote the event and raise awareness of IDAHOBIT.

Funds can be used in a variety of ways however we will prioritise activities that increase awareness of IDAHOBIT in your local community and demonstrate the theme, for example by working in partnership with allies.

Please complete the form below for an IDAHOBIT 2018 Community Grant of $500, and show the world you are a proud #LGBTally.

Applications close Sunday 8 April


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