"There are three needs of the griever: To find the words for the loss, to say the words aloud and to know that the words have been heard." (Victoria Alexander)
For many of us who have experienced the loss of someone from suicide there can be many diverse emotions including intense loss, guilt, shame, abandonment, regret and anger.
So many of us carry the legacies of suicide whether from the death of a friend, family member, colleague, lover or through a more distant connection, without a shared space to make sense of them. Our upcoming series of workshops aim to create that shared space.
The workshops are being offered free to members of the LGBTIQ community, connected with the Lismore area who have been impacted by suicide at some time in their lives. This service is funded by Healthy North Coast through the North Coast PHN program in collaboration with the Lismore Suicide Prevention Collaborative and ACON Northern Rivers.
The workshops will create opportunities for people to share their own experience of living in the wake of suicide and hear the experience of others. You are welcome to attend either the three online workshops, the two half day Saturday workshops, or all the workshops. We ask you to commit to attend each session to develop a greater sense of trust and connection for those who participate.
The workshops will be facilitated by two members of the Lismore LGBTIQ community - Anand Anderson and Beth Cronin. StandBy - Support After Suicide will be available for support after each session.
Face to Face: Saturday 10 & 17 October, 10am - 12.30pm.
We understand that 2020 has been a particularly challenging time for some people and so we have provided several crisis support options below.
- Suicide Call Back Service – Call 1300 659 467 24 hours 7 days: https://www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/
- Lifeline Crisis Support 24/7– ph: 13 11 14
- Lifeline Text nightly, 6pm – midnight (AEDT) m: 0477 13 11 14
- Lifeline Crisis Chat, 7pm – midnight, 7 days a week: lifeline.org.au/crisischat
- QLife: https://qlife.org.au/
- QLife ph: 3pm – midnight, 7 days a week, ph: 1800 184 527
- QLife webchat 3pm – midnight, 7 days a week: https://qlife.org.au/resources/chat
- [email protected] or m: 0417 119 298
Places are limited so please register with ACON via the form below.
RSVP by Thursday 8th October.
Once you have registered, one of the Facilitators will contact you and answer any further questions you may have.