Your Guide to Keeping Healthy & Staying Safe at Sydney WorldPride

Welcome to Sydney!

Sydney WorldPride is a wonderful time to visit our exciting Harbour City. As New South Wales’ leading LGBTQ health and HIV organisation, ACON works to support and strengthen our communities’ health and wellbeing. For Sydney WorldPride, we’ve developed this guide to equip you with the information you need to keep yourself and others healthy and safe during the festivities. This Sydney WorldPride 2023, whatever you do, do it safely and with love.

Staying Safe During WorldPride


The best way to prevent a sexually transmissable infection (STI) is by using barrier protections like condoms and gloves.

To prevent the transmission of HIV, use a range of options including condoms, PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), UVL (undetectable viral load), PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) or a combination:

  • CONDOMS: Get free condoms and lube (safe sex packs) in NSW from sexual health clinics, gay bars and at all sex-on-premises venues (SOPVs). Free safe sex packs are also available at major Sydney WorldPride events. ACON Tradies – peer volunteers – will also be handing out packs at major parties.
  • PrEP: PrEP is medication taken by HIV negative people to prevent HIV infection. This can be taken daily, on-demand (2-1-1) or periodic dosing.
  • UNDETECTABLE VIRAL LOAD (UVL): UVL refers to a person living with HIV who has taken treatment effectively and reduced the amount of HIV in their blood to a level undetectable by tests. This means that the treatment has stopped the virus from replicating and they cannot transmit HIV to their partners. This is also referred to as U=U, which stands for Undetectable = Untransmissible.

Further Info: Visit Ending HIV


    The Prevention Hub has been set up for Sydney WorldPride to provide residents and visitors access to sexual health information, resources and mpox vaccinations. Last-minute PrEP for those unable to access it and emergency PEP are available.
    Walk-in service, no need for an appointment.
    349 Crown St, Surry Hills
    Monday – Friday 11am – 7pm
    Saturday 9.30am – 5.30pm
    St Vincent’s Hospital’s WorldPride Hub is providing PEP, PrEP, sexual health testing and treatment, HIV testing, mpox vaccines and assistance with antiretroviral drugs for people living with HIV who have lost/run out of their meds.
    Walk-in service, no need for an appointment.
    Sacred Heart Building 170 Darlinghurst Rd, Darlinghurst
    Open 7 days 10.30am – 6.30pm


Call NSW Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624.

Getting Tested


If you think you have a STI such as syphilis, chlamydia or gonnorrhea, you should have it checked out. Sexual health clinics provide a free and confidential service for NSW residents and visitors. You can also visit ACON’s a[TEST] service in Darlinghurst and Surry Hills. a[TEST] is a community-based testing facility, which means it is run by peer educators (trained guys from our communities) and friendly nursing staff. You do not need a Medicare card or be an Australian resident to visit sexual health clinics or a[TEST] in NSW. You can also ask for an STI test from your doctor.


HIV testing is fast, easy and confidential. There are lots of testing options including a blood test, a finger stick test or a rapid test. You can get a HIV test at a local sexual health clinic or at ACON’s a[TEST]. You can also ask for a HIV test from your doctor. Your results are 100% private.

Further info: For more information on HIV and STI testing, go to Ending HIV or the NSW Sexual Health Infolink.


  • a[TEST] Oxford Street 167 Oxford St, Darlinghurst
  • a[TEST] Surry Hills 414 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills

Contact NSW Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624 to book you into one of these clinics below:

  • Sydney Sexual Health Centre Sydney Hospital Macquarie Street
  • Sydney Kirketon Road Centre Above Darlinghurst Fire Station, Victoria St (entrance), Darlinghurst
  • St Vincent’s Hospital Level 4, Xavier Building 390 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst
  • The Albion Centre 150-154 Albion St, Surry Hills RPA Sexual Health Clinic 16 Marsden St, Camperdown

Find your nearest sexual health clinic online:

Exposed to HIV? Get PEP, Act Fast


If you think you have recently been exposed to HIV, you may need PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis). This 4-week treatment can prevent HIV infection, but you need to act fast – within 72 hours.

PEP works by stopping the virus from replicating after recent exposure. The cells originally infected with HIV die naturally within a short period of time, reducing the likelihood for HIV to establish itself in the body.

PEP is for anyone who thinks they may have been exposed to HIV and should ideally be taken within a few hours after the risk event. If it is not started within 72 hours (3 days) of exposure to HIV it is likely that the drug will be ineffective.

Futher info: Contact your local sexual health clinic, hospital accident and emergency department or the PEP NSW hotline 1800 PEP NOW (1800 737 669).

For more info about PEP and to find locations to access PEP in your area, visit the Get Pep website.

For questions regarding HIV call the HIV Hotline on 9332 9700 or 1800 451 600.


During Sydney WorldPride, emergency PEP can be accessed from:

  • The Prevention Hub 349 Crown St, Surry Hills Monday – Friday 11am – 7pm Saturday 9.30am – 5.30pm Walk-in service, no need for an appointment
  • St Vincent’s Hospital WorldPride Hub Sacred Heart Building 170 Darlinghurst Rd, Darlinghurst Open 7 days 10.30am – 6.30pm Walk-in service, no need for an appointment.

REMEMBER For PEP to be effective you need to commence treatment within 72 hours of an exposure to HIV.


For more information, call the PEP NSW hotline on 1800 PEP NOW (1800 737 669).

Accessing Treatment

Have you lost your baggage with your meds in it? Or perhaps your meds have expired? Or you’ve just run out? Don’t worry.

Provisions are in place through sexual health centres such as The Albion Centre in Surry Hills to ensure that medication is available to those who might find themselves in circumstances without any medication.

Contact the NSW Sexual Health Infolink for advice and more information on 1800 451 624 from 8am-8pm, Monday to Friday.


Here are some handy hints before your trip to Sydney:

  • Don’t put your medication into checked luggage in case your luggage is diverted or lost.
  • Carry a doctor’s note with your prescription, with your pills in your carry-on luggage. The note from your doctor does not need to disclose your HIV status.
  • Carry an extra supply of medication in case your stay is delayed or extended due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • If you are on HIV medication, do not ‘meter out’ your doses to make them last. Take your medication as prescribed, daily, no matter what. If you run out, you run out.
  • If you forget to take your medication, you have around 12–14 hours to remember to take it later on that day, otherwise, simply take your medication the next day.


People living with HIV from selected countries can access medical care in Australia, including HIV medication at the government subsidised rate, thanks to health care agreements. These include Belgium, Finland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Ireland, Slovenia, Sweden and the UK. For more information, visit the Service Australia website.


Contact the NSW Sexual Health Infolink for more information on 1800 451 624 from 8am–8pm, Monday to Friday.

Mpox Prevention


Mpox (‘monkeypox’) is a viral infection that causes a rash. It spreads through direct contact with lesions or scabs on the skin, infected bodily fluids or contaminated objects such as bedding or clothes. Transmission in a majority of mpox cases is happening through direct intimate contact like sex and through sexual networks.


In NSW, free mpox vaccinations are available to all gay and bisexual men (cis or trans), and anyone who might be having sex with gay and bisexual men (including cis and trans women, non-binary people and sex workers). You can be vaccinated without Medicare and international travellers can access the vaccine.


  • Check yourself for symptoms before you leave home. If you feel unwell or sick, or have any rashes or sores, do not attend events or venues.
  • Exchange contact info with your sexual partners to assist with contact tracing if needed.
  • Practise good hand hygiene. Wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
  • At events, avoid any rashes or sores you see on others and minimise skin-to-skin contact.
  • If signs or symptoms develop, DO NOT attend any Sydney WorldPride events. Selfisolate immediately and seek care by calling ahead to a GP or sexual health clinic.


All eligible people, including international and interstate travellers, can access the mpox vaccine in NSW. Go to:

  • The Prevention Hub 349 Crown St, Surry Hills Walk-in service, no appointments needed. Monday–Friday 11am–7pm Saturday 9.30am–5.30pm
  • St Vincent’s Hospital WorldPride Hub Sacred Heart Building 170 Darlinghurst Rd, Darlinghurst. Walk-in service, no need for an appointment. Open 7 days 10.30am– 6.30pm.
  • Camperdown, 88 Mallett St, Camperdown 1800 955 566

Mpox prevention further info: Visit the NSW Health mpox hub. If you think you have been exposed to mpox, call the NSW Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624.

Reduce Your COVID-19 Risk


COVID-19 continues to circulate in the community. To reduce your risk, you are encouraged to:

  • Stay up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations
  • Stay home if you have cold or flu symptoms and get tested
  • Consider wearing a mask in crowded, indoor places



If you develop a fever and cough, stay home and get tested, don’t attend large or indoor events.

COVID-19 testing clinics operate across NSW for people who need a PCR test. PCR testing continues to be available in NSW without GP (doctor) referral. For locations of COVID-19 testing clinics in inner Sydney, visit NSW Health.

COVID-19 self-test kits, or rapid antigen tests (RAT), are available at major supermarkets and pharmacies.

Information about testing facilities and how to register a positive RAT result can be found on the NSW Health website.



Stay home until your symptoms have gone. Follow NSW Health’s advice for people testing positive to COVID-19.

Most people can manage COVID-19 safely at home, but if you are at higher risk of severe illness, speak with a doctor as soon as you test positive. If you are concerned about your symptoms, call the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080.



Free COVID-19 RATs are available during Sydney WorldPride from The Prevention Hub at 349 Crown Street, Surry Hills. Walk-in service, no need for an appointment. Monday – Friday 11am – 7pm Saturday 9.30am – 5.30pm

RATs are also available from the ACON Stall on Crown Street during Sydney WorldPride.

Further info: More information about COVID-19, including advice for international travellers, can be found on the NSW Health website.

Alcohol and Other Drugs: What You Need to Know


  • You must be 18 or older to buy alcohol or to drink alcohol in a licensed venue.
  • It’s illegal to sell alcohol to anyone under 18 or to someone who is already drunk.
  • It is illegal for a fully licensed driver to drive with a blood alcohol concentration of .05 or over. Learner and provisional drivers must have a blood alcohol concentration of zero.


There are designated alcohol-free zones throughout Sydney. These apply to public roads and footpaths so do not drink alcohol when walking to and from venues. Alcohol is also prohibited in many parks and many civic spaces. Timed restrictions are also used. For more information, visit the City of Sydney website.


Alcohol laws in NSW mandate the Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA). This means staff must sell, serve and supply alcohol in a responsible manner. If a person has had too much to drink in a licensed venue, it’s the staff’s responsibility to stop serving that person alcohol. People who become drunk or disorderly will be ejected, and those who are intoxicated will be refused admission to any licensed venue.


Most public places, including beaches, are smoke- and vape-free, as are restaurants and bars. E-cigarettes that do not contain nicotine are legal in NSW. Vape products that contain nicotine are a prescription-only medicine.


In NSW, it is an offence to possess, use, produce or supply a drug which has been declared prohibited. This includes substances such as cocaine, MDMA, GHB, Heroin, LSD and methampethamines and PCP. Marijuana is also prohibited unless lawfully prescribed as a medicine. NSW Police conduct operations at many events and venues across NSW, including the use of drug detection dogs. Be aware that if you use, carry or share illegal drugs, you can be arrested.

Further info: If you would like information and/ or advice, call the Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) on 1800 250 015.


For more information on your legal rights and guidance around police interactions, visit the Fair Play website. Fair Play is a community-led initiative that helps partygoers understand their rights and how to keep safe during festivities. Fair Play volunteers will also be at major dance events during Sydney WorldPride.

For more information about harm reduction, go to ACON’s harm reduction website PivotPoint.

For legal advice, contact queer-friendly legal services such as the Inner City Legal Centre or Dowson Turco Lawyers.

Partying Safely


Keep yourself and your mates safe with these party tips:

  • Drink in moderation. Alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, or switch to low alcohol alternatives.
  • Keep an eye on your beverages as drink spiking can occur.
  • If you’re going to use, start low and go slow. Strength of substances vary. Don’t begin with a large dose.
  • Don’t use alone. Avoid using without your friends or partners at home, or in other situations where help might not be available.
  • Avoid mixing drugs. We don’t know how strong drugs are or how drugs are going to interact. This includes mixing drugs and alcohol.
  • In NSW, you can get sterile injecting equipment free through the Needle & Syringe Program. This prevents the transmission of HIV and other blood-borne viruses. For locations of outlets, turn to page 41.
  • Naloxone, a drug that can temporarily reverse opioid overdose and prevent overdose deaths, are also available free from NSPs. Turn to page 41 for more information.
  • Watch for health alerts from authorities or updates from event organisers. Alerts about life-threatening substances such as synthetic opiods like fentanyl are circulated on social media via NSW Health and ACON.


  • Signs of an overdose include inability to be woken from sleep, vomiting, profuse sweating, breathing irregularly, seizures, inability to stand and unconsciousness.
  • Get medical help immediately if you or someone else experiences any overdose symptoms. If you are at a club or dance party, attract the attention of medical or security staff, or ACON Rovers.
  • In a private setting or in a location where medical assistance is not available, call Triple Zero (000) and ask for an ambulance.
  • When you call Triple Zero (000), a control centre assistant will ask you a standard set of questions. Answer their questions in a calm and clear manner. Once you have answered all questions, do not hang up the phone, stay on the line and follow any instructions that they give you.
  • Be honest with emergency services so they can provide the best care.

ACON Rovers and Dancewize NSW


In NSW, harm reduction services operate at large music festivals and events to help partygoers stay safe while celebrating. At Sydney WorldPride, these services are the ACON Rovers and DanceWize NSW.

ACON Rovers and DanceWize NSW will be working alongside medical teams, security and venue staff to identify the early signs of a drug overdose among patrons and help prevent serious adverse incidents.

ACON Rovers and DanceWize NSW will be at key major events at Sydney WorldPride including the Mardi Gras Party, Domain Dance Party, Bondi Beach Party, Oxford Street Party and Rainbow Republic.

ACON Rovers wear pink flouro vests and carry orange light wands. DanceWize NSW volunteers wear purple t-shirts or vests and their logo includes an illustration of a blue wolf.

Further info: For more information about alcohol and other drugs, harm reduction and the ACON Rovers, go to ACON’s harm reduction website PivotPoint.


Every ACON Rover is trained, supervised and equipped to help patrons enjoy themselves and party safely.

  • If you see anyone ‘sleeping’ or having problems or experiencing any kinds of distress, let medical staff, security personnel or a Rover know immediately.
  • Remember: Rovers and medical staff are non-judgemental and are here to help, not to judge
  • Give Rovers or medical staff room to move.
  • Look out for your friends, stick together and stay safe.
  • Take regular breaks, cool off and stay hydrated.
  • When you see a Rover, smile and say hello.

ACON Rovers are here for safety. We’re here for you.


Managing Your Mental Health


Helpful tips to keeping strong and resilient during the festivities:

  • The party season can be stressful. Reflect on what you need to keep your mental health in good shape.
  • Be mindful. Pay attention to your own needs. It’s okay to seek help and support from friends or professionals if you are feeling overwhelmed.
  • Pace yourself. Say ‘no’ if things are too much. It will be a busy period so feel free to take time out.
  • Too much alcohol and/or drugs can trigger symptoms of anxiety and depression. Consider cutting down or low alcohol alternatives.
  • Be sure to make time for people and activities outside of parties and activities not associated with drinking and using drugs. Read, listen to music, visit a tourist attraction, take a stroll in the park or meet a friend.
  • Get active. Go for a walk, a swim, a bike ride, a dance class or yoga session. Exercise releases endorphins and serotonins that improves mood and sleep and lessen symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Check in on family, friends and loved ones. While the festivities prompt lots of joy, for others it can also bring feelings of stress and anxiety.
  • Exercise after-care. After an event or the festival, check in with yourself and do the things you need to do to get your mental and physical health back into shape.


ACON provides confidential counselling and peer services for LGBTQ+ adults. Visit the ACON website for more information. If you need immediate support, call:

  • QLife (free LGBTIQ peer support). 3pm-midnight, 7 days. 1800 184 527
  • Lifeline (24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention) 13 11 14
  • BeyondBlue (24/7mental health counselling) 1300 224 636
  • 13 YARN (24/7 support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) 13 92

Further info: Visit ACON’s mental health resource, We’re With You; and suicide prevention resource,

Check out our Trans Vitality Toolkit or Visit NSW Health’s mental health hub.

Trans Support


Sydney is home to one of the largest trans and gender diverse communities in Australia, including Sistergirls and Brotherboys and trans mob, representing the longest living continuous trans cultures on the planet.

During WorldPride there are many events for trans people to enjoy and participate in – from the First Nations Gathering Space to the closing event. Trans and gender diverse people are welcome, affirmed and celebrated.

In 2020, ACON launched TransHub, and it changed everything. Trans people of all genders, allies and health providers use TransHub as a one-stop-shop for information and resources. Check out the website.

In NSW, being a trans person is a protected characteristic in the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act. You can find out more on TransHub’s about rights and justice online ( rights-justice).

Some doctors who prescribe gender affirming hormones will have extended operating hours over WorldPride. Please see the list of GPs at the end of this guide and check out the TransHub Gender Affirming Doctor List.

To access hormones, you will need a prescription from a doctor. If you are already on hormones, bring a record of this with you. Most pharmacies stock estrogen and testosterone, equipment for hormone injecting is available at Needle and Syringe Programs.

If you don’t have a Medicare Card, you may need to pay to see the doctor and buy hormones.

If you are stopped by police and they want to search you, NSW Police policy is that trans people must be treated with dignity and respect. You can choose the gender of the officer doing the search. You would need to disclose that you are trans.

If you think police officers have done something wrong, you can make a complaint either to the NSW Police Force or to the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC). Go to the LECC website.

Pride can be stressful and scary, there are lots of people and lots happening. Pace yourself and go gently. Some great trans tips for mental health can be found on TransHub.

You can connect with trans communities online too.

Further info: Visit TransHub, ACON’s online resource for trans and gender diverse communities.

Consent in NSW: Keep Checking In


Consent laws in NSW are based on the concept of affirmative consent, which means everyone involved in the sexual activity is knowingly and voluntarily engaging, and importantly that this has been communicated.

Simply put, if you want to have sex with others, then you must say or do something to find out that they want to have sex with you too.

Consent isn’t just a one-off ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Anyone can change their mind at any time about whether they want to have sex or engage in a certain sexual act. Someone might even change their mind during sex. Remember, you too can change your mind about what you want to do at any time.

Laws in NSW also state that a person does not consent to sexual activity if they are unconscious or asleep or are so affected by alcohol and/or drugs that they are incapable of consenting.

Remember: consent means making sure they are telling you ‘yes’, and that you keep checking-in.

Further info: For more information on consent laws in NSW, visit ACON’s digital resource on sexual, domestic and family violence, Say It Out Loud.


  • Stay vigilant and follow precautions when hooking up with a stranger for the first time.
  • Tell a friend you’re going to meet a new hook-up and, if possible, share their address. You can also share your location directly with your friend from your phone.
  • Choose somewhere public as your first meeting spot.
  • Set boundaries. Having a sense of your boundaries and limits will help you navigate the encounter by highlighting things you may or may not be comfortable doing.
  • Have a back-up plan. Think about your transport or means of getting home. If you feel uncomfortable, put an end to the meeting and leave.
  • Don’t be afraid to say “I’m not feeling this, I’m out.” Trust your instincts. If something seems off, then don’t meet or if already there, then leave.
  • In an emergency, contact Triple Zero (000).

Support For Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is a crime. It occurs when a person hasn’t consented to sexual activity. The person who initiates the assault is responsible for sexual assault, not the victim. There are various national services and support after sexual assault.

These services can also support people who have experienced other forms of sexual violence such as sexual harrassment:

  • Rainbow Sexual, Domestic and Family Violence Helpline: 1800 497 212. For anyone from the LGBTIQ+ community whose life has been impacted by sexual domestic and/or family violence. Available 24/7.
  • 1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732. Support for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse. Available 24/7.

In NSW, there are Sexual Assault Services (SAS) within several public hospital emergency departments. SAS provide acute crisis support to anybody who has been sexually assaulted in the last seven days. This service is free regardless of your visa or Medicare status. For SAS locations in metropolitan Sydney, turn to page 42.


You do not need to report to police in order to access any of these support services.

In an emergency, you can contact Triple Zero (000). You can also report incidences of abuse and violence to NSW Police by calling the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.

If you do not want to report to a police officer, but you want the police to know you have experienced sexual assault, you can complete the online Sexual Assault Reporting Option (SARO). You can choose to stay anonymous if you utilise this option. Go to the NSW Police Community Portal.

Further info: For more information, visit ACON’s digital resource on sexual, domestic and family violence, Say It Out Loud. For trans-specific information about support for sexual assault, visit TransHub.

Keeping Safe When Out and About


Anti-LGBTQ+ abuse and violence can happen anywhere. Here are tips to help you keep safe during the festivities:

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Being alert and trusting your instincts is a good defence against violence or abuse. Homophobic or transphobic signals like comments and stares can be followed by an attack.
  • Plan ahead on how to get to and from venues. Consider travelling with a friend or by taxi or ride-share.
  • When going to or from an event in fetish wear, consider wearing a coat, jacket or other covering.
  • If you are confronted with verbal abuse, try to remain calm and do not escalate the situation. It’s safer to ignore verbal abuse as answering back can make things worse.
  • Try to get away as fast as possible. Find a place where there are people. Notify staff/security if at a venue.
  • Use a whistle or personal alarm or scream to attract people and to scare off attackers. Make as much noise as you can.
  • Support others if they’ve been victims of violence. If you see someone being harassed or attacked, call the police on Triple Zero (000).


If you feel safe to do so, we encourage you to report all incidents of abuse and/or violence to NSW Police. Call the Police Assistance Line 131 444. You can also report any incidents of abuse and/or violence to ACON, who can provide support, information and referrals. Call ACON on (02) 9206 2000.


GLLOs (originally called Gay and Lesbian Liaison Officers) are specially trained police officers that can provide support to LGBTQ community members. Many police stations have a GLLO but these officers may not be available immediately. If you decide you want to report a crime to the police, don’t wait, report it immediately and request follow up support from a GLLO. Look out for GLLOs during Sydney WorldPride – they’ll be out and about at many events.

Beach Safety

Essential tips to keep safe at the beach

  • Always swim between red and yellow flags on patrolled beaches. This indicates lifeguards are on duty.
  • Look for signs at the entrance to the beach for local information. • Never swim alone, at night or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you need help, stay calm and attract attention. Raise an arm at a patrolled beach. Conserve your energy by floating on your back. This will ensure you have the energy to remain afloat until assistance arrives.

Beach Flags

Rip Currents

Rip currents (sometimes called a ‘rip’) are the number one hazard on Australian beaches. These are strong currents beginning around the shore that run away from the beach. Being caught in one may feel like you are in a flowing/moving river.

If you find yourself in a rip current, do not panic! Raise an arm and call out for help, you may be rescued. Float with the current, it may return you to a shallow sandbank. Swim parallel to the beach or towards the breaking waves until you escape the rip current.

Other Hazards:

  • Be careful of waves and large surfs.
  • Being stung by marine stingers such as bluebottles can cause distress and discomfort. Immerse the sting in hot water or, if unrelieved by heat, apply cold packs.
  • The sun can get very strong. Make sure you check the UV rating, wear sunscreen and get plenty of shade and water throughout the day.

Further info: For more information, visit the Surf Life Saving NSW website.


EMERGENCIES: In case of an emergency (police, fire, ambulance), dial Triple Zero (000) from any phone

NSW POLICE: Police Assistance Line 131 444 Non-urgent police assistance and all general enquiries


For urgent medical care and treatment, visit the emergency department at:

  • ST VINCENT’S HOSPITAL (02) 8382 1111 390 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst SYDNEY HOSPITAL (02) 9382 7111 8 Macquarie Street, Sydney
  • ROYAL PRINCE ALFRED HOSPITAL (02) 9515 6111 50 Missenden Road, Camperdown
  • PRINCE OF WALES HOSPITAL (02) 9382 2222 320 Barker Street, Randwick

For more information on hospitals in NSW, including hospitals in other parts of NSW, visit NSW Health.



For non-urgent medical advice, contact a GP. The following inner Sydney practices have extended operating hours during Sydney WorldPride:


Listed below are COVID-19 testing clinics in inner Sydney. For operating hours, and other clinic locations, go to NSW Government COVID hub.

  • The Prevention Hub 349 Crown Street, Surry Hills Sydney
  • 4Cyte Pathology Walk-in Clinic 803–813 George Street, Sydney
  • Redfern 4Cyte Pathology Clinic 174 Redfern Street, Redfern
  • 4Cyte Pathology Sydney 4/195 Macquarie Street, Sydney
  • Woollahra 4Cyte Pathology Walk-in Clinic 8 Oxford Street, Woollahra
  • Pyrmont Clinical Labs Walk-In Clinic Star City, Shop 9, 55 Harris St, Pyrmont
  • RPA Hospital Clinic Building 25, 50 Missenden Road, Camperdown
  • Bondi Junction 4Cyte Pathology Walk-in Clinic 50 Bronte Road, Bondi Junction
  • Bondi Junction GP Respiratory Clinic 47 Spring Street, Bondi Junction


  • ACON: NSW’s leading community-based organisation specialising in HIV responses for sexuality and gender diverse people (02) 9206 2000 or 1800 063 060 (Freecall)
  • ENDING HIV: Resource on HIV prevention, testing and treatment for gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men
  • a[TEST]: Fast, free and confidential rapid-HIV and STI testing for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Darlinghurst and Surry Hills
  • NSW SEXUAL HEALTH INFOLINK: Information on HIV/STI prevention, PrEP, PEP, mpox, testing clinics and treatment support. 8am-8pm, Mon–Fri 1800 451 624
  • 1800 PEP NOW: PEP hotline. Act fast! 1800 737 669 GET PEP Info about PEP and locations


  • a[TEST]: 167 Oxford St, Darlinghurst 414 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills
  • Sydney Sexual Health Centre: Sydney Hospital Nightingale Wing, Macquarie Street, Sydney, (02) 9382 7440
  • Kirketon Road Centre: Above Darlinghurst Fire Station, Victoria St (entrance), Darlinghurst, (02) 9360 2766
  • St Vincent’s Hospital Level 4, Xavier Building 390 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, (02) 8382 3707
  • The Albion Centre: 150-154 Albion St, Surry Hills (02) 9332 9600
  • RPA Sexual Health Clinic 16 Marsden St, Camperdown (02) 9515 1200

Find your nearest sexual health clinic online at Ending HIV or NSW Health website.


During Sydney WorldPride, Prevention Hubs have been set up in Sydney to provide residents and visitors access to mpox vaccinations as well as sexual health information, resources and treatment such as emergency PEP.

  • THE PREVENTION HUB: 349 Crown St, Surry Hills Walk-in service. No appointments needed Monday–Friday 11am–7pm (last appointment at 6pm) Saturday 9.30am–5.30pm (last appointment at 4.30pm)
  • ST VINCENT’S HOSPITAL WORLDPRIDE HUB: Sacred Heart Building 170 Darlinghurst Rd, Darlinghurst Walk-in service. No appointments needed Open 7 days 10.30am–6.30pm
  • CAMPERDOWN: 88 Mallett St, Camperdown 1800 955 566
  • NSW HEALTH MPOX ONLINE HUB: For Further information on how to stay safe and prevent mpox infection, visit the NSW Health mpox information hub.


  • HIV INFORMATION HOTLINE: Infoline for general questions about HIV/AIDS for anyone in NSW (02) 9332 9700 1800 451 600
  • THE ALBION CENTRE: Health care facility in Surry Hills providing specialist care for people living with HIV (02) 9332 9600
  • POSITIVE LIFE NSW: Providing information and support to people living with and affected by HIV in NSW (02) 8357 8386 1800 245 677 (freecall)
  • BOBBY GOLDSMITH FOUNDATION: Community-based HIV organisation providing client services and support programs in NSW (02) 9283 8666


  • LIFELINE: 24/7 crisis support helpline 13 11 14
  • QLIFE: Anonymous and free LGBTIQ peer support and referral for people want to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships 3pm-midnight, 7 days a week 1800 184 527
  • BEYONDBLUE: 24/7 mainstream suicide and mental health service 1300 224 636
  • MENTAL HEALTH LINE: Professional help and advice and referrals to local mental health services 1800 011 511
  • SUICIDE CALL BACK SERVICE: 24/7 crisis service for people at risk of suicide or concerned by someone at risk of or bereaved by suicide 1300 659 467
  • 13 YARN: 24/7 national counselling support service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping. 13YARN (13 92 76)
  • ACON SUPPORT SERVICES: ACON offers a range of free and affordable counselling services for LGBTQ+ adults in NSW (02) 9206 2000
  • ORG.AU: Online hub by ACON providing information and resources on suicide prevention
  • NSW HEALTH MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT HUB: Online hub with information and directory for mental health support


  • PIVOT POINT: Online resource for LGBTQ+ people who use substances
  • ALCOHOL AND DRUG INFORMATION SERVICE (ADIS): 24/7 information and support on alcohol and other drug use (02) 9361 8000


Get sterile injecting equipment and health information from these outlets:

  • ACON: (02) 9206 2000 414 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills
  • NSW Users and AIDS Association: (02) 8354 7300 345 Crown St, Surry Hills
  • Kirketon Road Centre (02) 9360 2766 Above Darlinghurst Fire Station, enter via Victoria St, Darlinghurst
  • Redfern Harm Reduction Program: (02) 9395 0400 103–105 Redfern St, Redfern
  • Canterbury Harm Reduction Program: (02) 9718 2636 63 Tudor St, Belmore
  • The Gender Centre: (02) 9569 2366 Ground Floor, 41–43 Parramatta Rd Annandale
  • RPAH Sexual Health: (02) 9515 1200 16 Marsden St, Camperdown NSP:


  • St Vincents Hospital: Burton St, Darlinghurst
  • Sydney Hospital: Macquarie St, Sydney
  • Redfern Health Centre: 103–105 Redfern St, Redfern
  • Marrickville Health Centre: 155–157 Livingstone Road, Marrickville
  • Croydon Health Centre: 24 Liverpool Rd, Croydon
  • Royal Prince Alfred Hospital: 50 Missenden Rd, Camperdown
  • Concord Hospital: Hospital Rd, Concord

For a listing of more NSP outlets, go to the NSW Health website. For more information on Naloxone, including outlets, go to NSW Health’s Your Room resource.


  • RAINBOW SEXUAL, DOMESTIC AND FAMILY VIOLENCE HELPLINE: 24/7 phone support for the LGBTIQ+ people impacted by sexual domestic and/or family violence 1800 497 212
  • 1800 RESPECT: 24/7 support service for domestic, family and sexual violence counselling and information 1800 737 732
  • NSW DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LINE: 24/7 service providing counselling and referrals for people experiencing domestic and family violence 1800 656 463
  • ACON SUPPORT SERVICES: ACON offers a free specialist service supporting LGBTQ+ people who have experienced sexual, domestic and/or family violence. (02) 9206 2000
  • SAY IT OUT LOUD: Online hub providing information and support for LGBTQ+ people impacted by sexual, domestic and family violence and encouraging rainbow communities to have healthy relationships.


Acute crisis response to anybody who has been sexually assaulted within the last seven days. Located at the following public hospital emergency departments in metropolitan Sydney. Available 24/7 and free, regardless of your visa or Medicare status:

  • Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Missenden Rd Camperdown
  • St George Hospital, Gray St, Kogarah
  • Royal North Shore Hospital, Reserve Rd, St Leonards
  • Liverpool Hospital, HSB, Level 3, Cnr Goulbourn and Campbell Sts, Liverpool
  • Western Sydney Forensic Medical Unit, Blacktown Mt Druitt Hospital



  • INNER CITY LEGAL CENTRE: Providing legal aid and advice for LGBTIQ people in NSW. Based in Potts Point 1800 244 481
  • HIV/AIDS LEGAL CENTRE: Specialist community legal centre providing comprehensive legal assistance to people with HIV or Hepatitis-related legal matters. (02) 9492 6540
  • DOWSON TURCO LAWYERS: Boutique LGBTQA+ law firm specialising in criminal law, family law, property law and litigation (02) 8000 7300
  • FAIR PLAY: Community-led initiative helping partygoers understand their legal rights and how to keep safe


  • TRANSHUB: Online portal providing information and resources for the trans and gender diverse community
  • THE GENDER CENTRE: Services and support for the trans and gender diverse community including counselling, mental health and accommodation support (02) 9519 7599



  • THE LOVE PROJECT: Providing information, support and social connection for older LGBTQ community members
  • MAG (MATURE AGE GAYS): Social club and peer support for older gay and bisexual men


  • TWENTY10 INCORPORATING GLCS: Providing a broad range of specialised services for young LGBTIQ+ people including housing, mental health, counselling and social support (02) 8594 9555