The LOVE Club Gathering is a community activity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people who are 55 plus, their supporters and friends. The Gathering aims is to create a safe, respectful and welcoming space to share regular social time and activities.
All sexualities, gender identities, cultures and backgrounds are welcome.
The LOVE Club will be held every fourth Thursday of the month starting Thursday 24 January and is all about maintaining connections, making new ones and building ongoing support networks. Activities may include:
- Sharing lived experiences and stories
- Writing, arts or music
- Supporting physical and emotional wellbeing
- Field trips
- Intergenerational conversations
- Community speakers
This is a new community initiative and one that will evolve with time and community input.
Led by community, for community!
Donations welcome
January 24, 2019 at 10:00am - 12pm
Russ Gluyas
· 02 9206 2017