Distress and Resilience

Everyone experiences mental distress in different ways, and everyone takes care of themselves in different ways. On this page, you’ll hear from members of the community about how they experience distress and how they stay resilient, and understand how to recognise some signs of mental distress.

Video clips

The restrictions imposed on us throughout the global pandemic have meant that some of the ways we connect, and feel less isolated, have been impacted. Watch as community members connect via Zoom to tell us how they’ve weathered the storm of 2020.

What does it mean to have good mental health? How do we maintain good mental health? How do we stay resilient when times are tough? Watch as community members share their experiences of looking after their mental health.

Fact sheets

Distress mental health tip sheet - support

Worried that a friend or loved one might be experiencing distress? This factsheet might help you identify some of the early warning signs that someone you care about might be having a tough time.

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We can overcome fact sheet thumbnail

Need some tips on how to stay strong during difficult periods? This factsheet contains advice on how to stay resilient and overcome periods of distress.

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If you are using a screen-reader, please click here to download the word document.


support services thumbnail

Support is available. Whether you’re in distress yourself, or supporting someone through a tough time, there are services you can turn to for help. This factsheet contains a list of services that you or a friend could use when in need.

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If you are using a screen-reader, please click here to download the word document.


Stories from community members

Click on the links below to read more about how some community members experience distress, and how they take care of themselves.

Jazmin's Story

Content warning: discussion of suicide, transphobia and police violence Jazmin Theadora is an 82-year-old transgender woman living in the Northern Rivers region of NSW. This is the story of her experiences with mental health and tenacity in the face of adversity, as well as her advice for building strength, resilience,...

Annaliese's Story

Annaliese is a 39-year-old performer with lived experience of mental distress. Here she shares some of her experiences, and how she manages them. “I guess if my career was based on my mental distress, let’s just say I’d be the CEO.” Annaliese is able to see the lighter side of...

Bobby's Story

Bobby is a 35-year-old proud Wiradjuri man living in Albury-Wodonga. Here he shares some of his experiences of distress, how he copes, and how he supports others. For Bobby, good mental health is all about connection. He describes it as a tree with a giant root system that connects everything:...

We're with you >> Distress and Resilience | Check in on your chosen family | You can't pour from an empty cup

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